Publish the Upgrade Control Package

Publish the upgradectrl package to a local file-based repository. This repository is for developing and testing this new package. If you create a repository for general use, you should include additional steps such as creating a separate file system for the repository. For information about creating package repositories for general use, see Creating Package Repositories in Oracle Solaris 11.4.

Create a package development repository on your system. See the pkgrepo(1) man page for more information about the pkgrepo command.

$ pkgrepo create myrepo

Set the default publisher for this repository. The default publisher is the value of the publisher/prefix property of the repository.

$ pkgrepo -s myrepo set publisher/prefix=site

Publish the upgradectrl package to the development repository.

$ pkgsend -s myrepo publish upgradectrl.p5m

Notice that the repository default publisher has been applied to the package FMRI.

Examine the repository to confirm that the package was published.

$ pkgrepo -s myrepo list
PUBLISHER NAME                    O VERSION
site      upgradectrl               1.0,5.11:20131104T072336Z
$ pkg list -vg myrepo
FMRI                                                   IFO
pkg://site/upgradectrl@1.0,5.11:20131104T072336Z       ---

A value in the O column indicates whether the package is obsolete (o) or renamed (r).

Deliver the package to a local repository in a separate ZFS file system in a shared location.

$ pkgrecv -s myrepo -d /var/share/pkgrepos/solaris upgradectrl
Processing packages for publisher site ...
Retrieving and evaluating 1 package(s) ...
Completed      1/1     0.0/0.0      0.0/0.0

Verify the package in the repository and the version of pkg:/entire that it incorporates.

$ pkg info -g /var/share/pkgrepos/solaris upgradectrl
          Name: upgradectrl
       Summary: Package to constrain the version of the OS
   Description: This package controls the version of pkg://solaris/entire that
                can be installed.
      Category: Meta Packages/Incorporations
         State: Not installed
     Publisher: site
       Version: 1.0
 Build Release: 5.11
        Branch: None
Packaging Date: November 20, 2013 01:01:05 AM 
          Size: 0.00 B
          FMRI: pkg://site/upgradectrl@1.0,5.11:20131120T010105Z
$ pkg contents -Hro fmri -t depend -a type=incorporate upgradectrl

See Creating and Publishing a Package in Packaging and Delivering Software With the Image Packaging System in Oracle Solaris 11.4 for more detailed information about creating and delivering IPS packages.