Required Package is Rejected

Error messages:

  • No solution was found to satisfy constraints

  • All versions matching 'require' dependency package are rejected

In the following output from the pkg update command, the initial error message states that a suitable version of the required package desktop-incorporation cannot be found. The reason the desktop-incorporation package is not suitable is because one of its dependent packages is not found. Because no suitable version is found, the desktop-incorporation package is rejected. The pkg update fails because the desktop-incorporation package is required by the pkg:/entire constraint package. The following command shows that the desktop-incorporation package is required by the pkg:/entire constraint package:

$ pkg search -Hlo require:consolidation/desktop/desktop-incorporation

The next error message states that a suitable version of the required package python-extra-26 cannot be found. The reason the python-extra-26 package is not suitable is because the python-extra-26 package requires the desktop-incorporation package, and no suitable version of desktop-incorporation was found.

This information shows that the solution to this update failure is to find a way to install the required version of the desktop-incorporation package.

pkg update: No solution was found to satisfy constraints

maintained incorporations:
[output omitted]

Plan Creation: dependency error(s) in proposed packages:
[output omitted]
  No suitable version of required package pkg://solaris/consolidation/desktop
/desktop-incorporation@0.5.11,5.11- found:
    Reject: pkg://solaris/consolidation/desktop/desktop-incorporation
    Reason: A version for 'incorporate' dependency on pkg:/library/python-2
/python-sexy-26@0.1.9- cannot be found
  No suitable version of required package pkg://solaris/library/python-2
/python-extra-26@2.6.4- found:
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python-2/python-extra-26@
    Reason: All versions matching 'require' dependency pkg:/consolidation
/desktop/desktop-incorporation are rejected
      Reject: pkg://solaris/consolidation/desktop/desktop-incorporation
[output omitted]

The following commands show that the package that cannot be found for the required desktop-incorporation package is not required. The python-sexy-26 package is incorporated by the desktop-incorporation package, but it is not required.

$ pkg search -Hlo require:library/python-2/python-sexy-26
$ pkg search -Hlo incorporate:library/python-2/python-sexy-26

The incorporate dependency says that if the python-sexy-26 package is installed, it must be installed at the specified version. However, because no package requires the python-sexy-26 package, the python-sexy-26 package does not need to be installed. Therefore, one solution to this update failure is to uninstall the python-sexy-26 package. A different version of this package is currently installed, and the update could not locate the version specified by the desktop-incorporation constraint package. If you uninstall the package, the update process will not need to find the updated package.

If you need the python-sexy-26 package and do not want to uninstall it, find a package repository that provides pkg:/library/python-2 /python-sexy-26@0.1.9- Either use the pkg set-publisher command to add that repository to your publisher origin locations, or use the pkgrecv command to add that package to your currently set publisher origin.