Showing and Changing Variant Values

Most variants have descriptive values. For example, the value of variant.arch can be i386 or sparc. The value of a variant tag on an action in a package manifest must match the value of the corresponding variant property in the image in order for that action to be installed. The arch and zone variant property values are set by the program that creates the image and installs its initial content; these values cannot be changed.

Values of variant.debug.* variants and values of unknown variants can only be true or false and are false in the image by default. An unknown variant is a variant that is introduced as a variant tag on an action in a package manifest, not known at the time the image was created.

If both debug and non-debug versions of an action are delivered, both versions must have the applicable debug variant tag explicitly set, as shown in the following example. In this example, if debug.osnet is false in the image, then the non-debug version of this file is installed; if debug.osnet is true in the image, then the debug version of this file is installed. Usually debug versions of a file also have variant.arch tags.

file payload chash=hash group=sys mode=0644 overlay=allow owner=root
path=etc/motd pkg.csize=116 pkg.size=106 preserve=true variant.debug.osnet=true
file payload chash=hash group=sys mode=0644 overlay=allow owner=root
path=etc/motd pkg.csize=70 pkg.size=50 preserve=true variant.debug.osnet=false

Use the pkg variant command to display the values of variant properties that are set in the image.

$ pkg variant
VARIANT                   VALUE
arch                      i386          global

Use the -a option to display the values of all variants that are explicitly set in the image and all variants that are set in installed packages.

$ pkg variant -a
VARIANT                   VALUE
arch                      i386
debug.container           false
debug.osnet               false          global

Use the -v option to display all possible variant values that can be set for installed packages.

$ pkg variant -v
VARIANT                   VALUE
arch                      i386
arch                      sparc
debug.container           false
debug.container           true
debug.osnet               false
debug.osnet               true          global          nonglobal

Use the pkg change-variant command to change the value of a variant property. Use the pkg variant -v command to select a value to set.


Changing variant property values might update a large number of packages and might require a new BE. Use the -nv options to review what changes will be made before you make any changes.

In the following command, a new BE would be created. See Boot Environment Policy Image Properties for information about when BEs are created. When a new BE is created, the current BE is not changed; boot to the new BE to use the debug files in this example. The -n option shows what would change if you performed the operation without -n, but the command makes no actual changes. No new BE was created in this example.

$ pkg change-variant -nv variant.debug.osnet=true
            Packages to change:       232
     Variants/Facets to change:         1
     Estimated space available: 306.74 GB
Estimated space to be consumed:   1.49 GB
       Create boot environment:       Yes
     Activate boot environment:       Yes
Create backup boot environment:        No
          Rebuild boot archive:       Yes

Changed variants/facets:
  variant debug.osnet: true

Changed packages:

Editable files to change: