Specifying a Version Constraint Prior to Updating

If you want to allow updates to any Oracle Solaris 11.3 version but not allow update to Oracle Solaris 11.4, you can freeze the pkg:/entire constraint package as shown in the following command. Specifying 0.5.11,5.11-0.175.3 means the entire package can be updated to 0.5.11,5.11-, for example, but not to 11.4.

$ pkg freeze -c "Keep this image at 11.3." entire@0.5.11,5.11-0.175.3
entire was frozen at 0.5.11-0.175.3
$ pkg freeze
NAME    VERSION         DATE                      COMMENT
entire  0.5.11-0.175.3  15 Nov 2016 13:30:44 PST  Keep this image at 11.3.
$ pkg list entire
NAME (PUBLISHER)  VERSION                    IFO
entire            0.5.11-    if-

For more information about package freezing, see Locking Packages to a Specified Version.

To update beyond Oracle Solaris 11.3, you will need to pkg unfreeze entire or freeze entire at a newer version.


Freezing a package is not the best way to manage a large number of systems. The best scalable solution is to use a constraint package as described in Using an Oracle Solaris Constraint Package and Installing a Custom Constraint Package.