Update the Upgrade Control Package

When you are ready to allow users to update their systems to a new version, update the upgradectrl.p5m manifest, and republish and redeliver the new update control package. In the following manifest, the version of the update control package and the version of the pkg:/entire constraint package are updated. As an aid for users, the version of the upgrade control package, 1.10, is set to match the updated version of the entire package,

set name=pkg.fmri value=upgradectrl@1.10
set name=pkg.summary value="Package to constrain the version of the OS"
set name=pkg.description value="This package controls the version of \
pkg://solaris/entire that can be installed."
set name=info.classification value="org.opensolaris.category.2008:Meta Packages/Incorporations"
set name=pkg.depend.install-hold value=core-os
set name=variant.opensolaris.zone value=global value=nonglobal
set name=variant.arch value=sparc value=i386
depend fmri=feature/package/dependency/self type=parent variant.opensolaris.zone=nonglobal
depend fmri=pkg://solaris/entire type=require
depend fmri=pkg://solaris/entire@0.5.11,5.11- type=incorporate

The following commands republish and redeliver the update control package:

$ pkgsend -s myrepo publish upgradectrl.p5m
$ pkgrepo -s myrepo list
PUBLISHER NAME                                      O VERSION
site      upgradectrl                                 1.10,5.11:20131120T021902Z
site      upgradectrl                                 1.0,5.11:20131120T010105Z
$ pkgrecv -s myrepo -d /var/share/pkgrepos/solaris upgradectrl
Processing packages for publisher site ...
Retrieving and evaluating 1 package(s)...
PROCESS                                         ITEMS    GET (MB)   SEND (MB)
Completed                                         1/1     0.0/0.0     0.0/0.0
$ pkg refresh site
$ pkg list -af pkg://site/upgradectrl
NAME (PUBLISHER)                                  VERSION                    IFO
upgradectrl (site)                                1.10                       ---
upgradectrl (site)                                1.0                        i--