Verifying File System Content

In addition to verifying installed packages, the pkg verify command can verify installed directories, files, and links.

The following example uses the -p option to show the same information that was shown by doing a full verify of all installed packages in the previous section:

$ pkg verify -p var/cache/pkg/depot
PACKAGE                                                                 STATUS
pkg://nightly/package/pkg/depot                                          ERROR
        dir: var/cache/pkg/depot
                ERROR: Group: 'pkg5srv (97)' should be 'bin (2)'

In the following example, because the file verification status is OK, no output is shown unless the -v option is added:

$ pkg verify -vp etc/sudoers
PACKAGE                                                                 STATUS
pkg://nightly/security/sudo                                                 OK
        file: etc/sudoers
                editable file has been changed