Configuring the Puppet Agents

After installing Puppet on the managed Puppet Agent (agent) nodes that the Puppet Server (server) controls, configure the agents. One server can manage the configuration of many agents.

Oracle Solaris uses Service Management Facility (SMF) services to configure Puppet. When you install the system/management/puppet package, the following SMF service instances run on the agents:

$ svcs puppet
STATE          STIME    FMRI
disabled        8:17:58 svc:/application/puppet:agent
disabled        8:17:58 svc:/application/puppet:main
disabled        8:17:58 svc:/application/puppet:user
online          8:36:42 svc:/application/puppet:upgrade
  • The agent instance controls the configuration of a particular node.

  • The main instance holds shared configuration values.

  • The user instance is used by the puppet apply command and by other puppet subcommands.

  • The upgrade instance performs migration and cleanup steps, if needed.