Installing Puppet

Puppet is not installed on your Oracle Solaris system by default. You must install the Puppet software package, system/management/puppet, on each managed node that runs the Puppet Agent.

The following command determines whether the Puppet package is installed on this system:

$ pkg list puppet
pkg list: no packages matching the following patterns are installed:

The pkg info -r puppet command shows information about the Puppet package. In addition to the package summary and description, this output shows that Puppet is not installed and that the version of Puppet that is delivered by this package is version 7.21.0.

$ pkg info -r puppet
           Name: system/management/puppet
       Summary: Puppet agent - The Puppet daemon that runs on the target system
   Description: Puppet is a flexible, customizable framework designed to help
                system administrators automate the many repetitive tasks they
                regularly perform. As a declarative, model-based approach to IT
                automation, it lets you define the desired state - or the "what"
                - of your infrastructure using the Puppet configuration
                language. Once these configurations are deployed, Puppet
                automatically installs the necessary packages and starts the
                related services, and then regularly enforces the desired state.
      Category: System/Administration and Configuration
         State: Not installed
     Publisher: solaris
       Version: 7.21.0
Packaging Date: Fri Aug 11 06:54:55 2023
          Size: 5.53 MB
          FMRI: pkg://solaris/system/management/puppet@7.21.0-
   Project URL:
    Source URL: