Puppet Utilities

The Puppet package includes the following utilities:


Puppet uses Facter to discover facts about a particular system, such as OS type, CPUs, or memory size. Facter gathers and sends system information to the Puppet Server, which compiles the information into catalogs. A catalog describes the system state for a specific set of resources and lists all of the resources and resource dependencies to manage. See Gathering Information About a System by Using Facter and Facter documentation on the Puppet web site.


Hiera is a cross-platform, key-value lookup tool that you can use to manage configuration data. Using Hiera to maintain site-specific data rather than using a Puppet manifest avoids repetition and enables you to create a more generic type of manifest that you can reuse for multiple systems.

Puppet classes can request required data and use Hiera to act as a site-wide configuration file. When Hiera is loaded, Puppet uses this Hiera configuration file instead of the /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml global file. See Hiera documentation on the Puppet web site.