Using Puppet to Configure Naming Services

The following example shows how you might manage naming services configuration with Puppet by declaring the service resource type in a Puppet manifest.

Example 5-4 Configuring Naming Services With Puppet

In the following example, the DNS service is enabled and a DNS server is configured. Then, the domainname property is set. Finally, the name service switch values are specified.

service { "dns/client":
ensure => running,

svccfg { "domainname":
  ensure => present,
  fmri => "svc:/network/nis/domain",
  property => "config/domainname",
  type => "hostname",
  value => "",
  notify => Service[‘dns/client'],

svccfg { "nameserver":
  ensure => present,
  fmri: => "svc:/network/dns/client",
  property => "config/nameserver",
  type => "net_address",
  value => ""
  notify => Service[‘dns/client'],

# nameservice switch
  nsswitch { "dns + ldap":
  default => "files",
  host => "files dns",
  password => "files ldap",
  group => "files ldap",
  automount => "files ldap",
  netgroup => "ldap",