Changing the StatsStore Repository Size Limit

The default maximum size of the StatsStore repository is 2 gigabytes. You can specify a higher or lower maximum size by setting the config/max-repo-size property in the svc:/system/sstore service.

Use the zfs list command to check the current usage:

$ zfs list rpool/VARSHARE/sstore
rpool/VARSHARE/sstore  26.8M   245G  26.8M  /var/share/sstore/repo

Like the config/repo-path property, the config/max-repo-size property is a global property of the sstore service that will be inherited by the sstore:default service instance. The max-repo-size property is not defined in the sstore service manifest. The first time you set the max-repo-size property, you must include the type of the property. The type of the max-repo-size property is integer and the value is in megabytes.

The following command shows that the max-repo-size property has never been set:

$ svccfg -s sstore
svc:/system/sstore> listprop config
config/repo-path astring     /var/share/sstore/repo

The following command sets the max-repo-size property:

svc:/system/sstore> setprop config/max-repo-size = integer: 4096
svc:/system/sstore> listprop config
config/max-repo-size integer     4096
config/repo-path     astring     /var/share/sstore/repo

By default, the svcprop command shows the composed view of properties. The max-repo-size property will not show until you refresh the service instance:

$ svcprop -p config sstore:default
config/repo-path astring /var/share/sstore/repo
$ svcadm refresh sstore:default
$ svcprop -p config sstore:default
config/max-repo-size integer 4096
config/repo-path astring /var/share/sstore/repo

For the new max-repo-size value to take effect, you must restart the service instance:

$ svcadm restart sstore:default