Degraded Performance

If your System Web Interface performance is degraded, try one of the following steps:

  • Close some instances of the System Web Interface if you have multiple tabs or browsers open.

  • Check the performance impact of data you are showing. Select the Properties option from the Visualization Actions menu, and note the value of “Performance impact” at the bottom of the panel. If you can, reduce the number of expensive statistics you are monitoring.

    You can also check for expensive statistics at the command line:

    $ sstore info //
     Identifier: //
       agg-name: bytes
    description: bytes sent
     partitions: link
     partitions: protocol
     partitions: local-address
     partitions: remote-address
     partitions: application
           ssid: //
          units: bytes
      stability: unstable
    expensive: True
           type: counter
  • Flush the browser cache.

  • Restart the browser.