Displaying Multiple Resources Using Wildcards and Slice Notation

To specify multiple resources with one SSID, use the * wildcard or the s (slice) keyword. Both of the following commands show the same result:

$ sstore list //:class.cpu//:res.id/*
$ sstore list //:class.cpu//:res.id//:s.[*]

The following command selects a subset of resources:

$ sstore list //:class.cpu//:res.id///:s.[1,3]

The slice notation is particularly helpful if the resource namespace is numeric and sequential. The following command selects a range of resources:

$ sstore list //:class.cpu//:res.id///:s.[1:3]

The following command shows resources with non-numeric names:

$ sstore list //:class.disk//:res.name/*

The following command selects a subset of resources with non-numeric names:

$ sstore list //:class.disk//:res.name///:s.[sd2*,sd7*]

A range cannot specify non-numeric resource names:

$ sstore list //:class.disk//:res.name///:s.[sd2:sd7]
Warning (//:class.disk//:res.name/sd2:sd5) - lookup error: no matches found