Using Collections

A collection is a convenient way to show multiple statistics using one SSID, as described in Representing Sets of Statistics and Events, and to record all these statistics persistently.

Oracle Solaris includes several collections, which are owned by root. The following command lists all collections on this system that are owned by the user that issued the command, which is root in this case:

root# sstore list //:class.collection//:collection.*

The same command issued by a different user, user1 in this case, gives different results:

user1$ sstore list //:class.collection//:collection.*

You cannot use a wildcard in the name position, but you can see the collection if you specify the name explicitly. The following command issued by user1 lists all collections on this system that are owned by root because root is named in the collection SSID:

user1$ sstore list //:class.collection//*

You can use a wildcard in the uuid position to list all collections on the system. The UUID is the most reliable identifier. The collection name could be changed by an authorized user; the UUID remains constant through collection name changes.

user1$ sstore list //:class.collection//:collection.uuid/*

You cannot use the sstore list command to list the statistics that belong to the collection. Use the sstore info command instead.

$ sstore list //:class.collection//*
Warning (//:class.collection//*) - 
Collection name network-stats//:* cannot have '/'

The sstore info command shows you which statistics and events are included in the collection, whether the collection is enabled, and the UUID, owner, and name of the collection. All of the following commands display the same output except for the value of Identifier. The user name is needed only if you are not the owner of the collection or if two users create collections with the same name (cname).

root# sstore info //:class.collection//
user1$ sstore info //:class.collection//
user1$ sstore info \
> //:class.collection//:collection.uuid/cd9df265-7f50-414f-b8b6-d70352d16092
Identifier: //:class.collection//:collection.uuid/0ae3fbf0-927a-4f07-a569-c64f9b4bd769
  ssid: //
  ssid: //
  ssid: //
 state: disabled
  uuid: 0ae3fbf0-927a-4f07-a569-c64f9b4bd769
 owner: root
 cname: network-stats
crtime: 1480351396984968

The following command lists more than 20 statistics in the // class:

$ sstore list -a //*

The network-stats collection includes only three of these statistics, as shown in the preceding sstore info example. Using a collection is a convenient way to record the statistics that interest you most. Though the statistics in the network-stats collection are not being recorded persistently (the collection state is disabled), you can conveniently use the single collection SSID to record these statistics on demand using the System Web Interface, the CLI, or APIs, as in the following example:

$ sstore capture //:class.collection//

To create your own collection, see Creating a Collection in Adding Custom Data to the Oracle Solaris 11.4 StatsStore and System Web Interface.

When a collection is enabled (see the state in the sstore info output), the statistics in the collection are recorded persistently. When a collection is disabled, the statistics in the collection are not being recorded unless they are being recorded in some other way, such as by the sstore capture command or by displaying those statistics in the System Web Interface.

Two of the collections shown in this section are enabled by default: system and solaris-dashboard.

  • The basic system configuration collection (system) includes all //:class.system//:* statistics.

  • The Dashboard collection (solaris-dashboard) records statistics and events from eight different classes, including all events and all //:class.system//:* statistics. The solaris-dashboard collection provides a good example of the convenience of using a collection to access a set of data from different classes.

The following output shows the statistics that are in the solaris-dashboard collection:

$ sstore info //:class.collection//
Identifier: //:class.collection//
  ssid: //:class.cpu//:event.*
  ssid: //:class.cpu//:stat.integer-pipe-usage
  ssid: //:class.cpu//:stat.usage
  ssid: //:class.disk//
  ssid: //:class.disk//:stat.write-bytes
  ssid: //:class.event//:event.*
  ssid: //
  ssid: //
  ssid: //
  ssid: //
  ssid: //
  ssid: //
  ssid: //
  ssid: //
  ssid: //
  ssid: //
  ssid: //:class.nfs/client//:stat.calls
  ssid: //:class.nfs/server//:stat.calls
  ssid: //:class.system//:stat.*
  ssid: //:class.zpool//*//:stat.capacity
 state: enabled
  uuid: e34d4d00-9c04-426a-8058-bf1a085c132f
 owner: root
 cname: solaris-dashboard
crtime: 1597081754855017

Instead of specifying each SSID separately, you can use the single collection SSID to examine the data. The following command uses the single collection SSID to show the current values of each of the statistics from several different classes:

$ sstore export -t now -p -1 \
> //:class.collection//

The following table describes the system (//:class.system//:*) statistics. This information is from the description metadata that you can see by using sstore info.

Table 3-1 Statistics in the Basic System Configuration Collection

Identifier //:class.system//:* Description


Available system memory


Memory pages not currently in use by this system


Disk-based swap utilization


Host name and default domain name of this system


Time since this system was last booted, in seconds since epoch


System load average


System memory page size


Physical memory reservations


Count of failed attempts to reserve physical memory


System node name (uname -n)


The operating system running in this image

Page ins

Page outs


Physical memory usage


Version of pkg:/entire installed in this image


Name of the platform that the sstored daemon is running on (uname -i)


Name of the processor or ISA that the sstored daemon is running on (uname -p)


Display model name of the processor that the sstored daemon is running on


Number of physical processors in this system


Number of virtual processors in this system


System product name


System serial number (only for physical systems, not for virtual systems)


Swap space allocated


Swap space available


Swap space reserved


Total system memory


Number of memory pages in this system


System uptime in seconds


Type of virtualization, or physical


Total virtual memory usage


Count of failed attempts to reserve virtual memory


Zones virtual memory usage