Adding File Systems for Zone Use

You can add multiple file systems for zone use through the fs resource. This resource has multiple file system types. The following examples show how to use the LOFS and UFS file types. For examples of using ZFS, the default file system type, see Configuring the dataset Property on solaris Zones.

Example 3-2 Sharing a Directory With the Global Zone

This example specifically involves the type called loopback file system (lofs) which enables a zone to share a directory with the global zone. The lofs file system type is also used to grant zone access to media such as a DVD drive.

Suppose that you want to grant zone access to the /opt/mysoftware directory in the global zone. In the example's different commands, special identifies the global directory to be shared, dir specifies the mount point in the zone through which the global directory is accessed, and options specifies the zone permissions (read-only) in the shared directory. The read-only permission prevents users in the non-global zone from making changes to the global zone directory.

global$ zonecfg -z zoneA
zonecfg:zoneA> add fs
zonecfg:zoneA:fs> set type=lofs
zonecfg:zoneA:fs> set special=/opt/mysoftware
zonecfg:zoneA:fs> set dir=/usr/software
zonecfg:zoneA:fs> set options=ro
zonecfg:zoneA:fs> end
zonecfg:zoneA> info
fs 0:
      dir: /usr/software
      special: /opt/mysoftware
      raw not specified
      type: lofs
      options: [ro]
zonecfg:zoneA> exit
global$ Reboot or run zoneadm apply command.

Example 3-3 Assigning a UNIX File System to a Zone

The fs resource also supports UNIX file systems (UFS). Suppose that you have a UFS file system on the slice /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0. This example shows how to make that file system available to the zone.

In the example, special identifies the block device path of the UFS file system, raw is the raw device path where the fsck process is run, and dir is the mount point of the file system for the zone.

global$ zonecfg -z zoneA
zonecfg:zoneA> add fs
zonecfg:zoneA:fs> set type=ufs
zonecfg:zoneA:fs> set special=/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0
zonecfg:zoneA:fs> set raw=/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0
zonecfg:zoneA:fs> set dir=/data
zonecfg:zoneA:fs> end
zonecfg:zoneA> exit
global$ zonecfg -z zoneA info
fs 0
      dir: /usr/software
      special: /opt/mysoftware
      raw not specified
      type: lofs
      options: [ro]

fs 1
      dir: /data
      special: /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0
      raw: /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0
      type: ufs
      options: [ ]
global$Reboot or run zoneadm apply command.