Checks Performed by the zonep2vchk Tool

You can use zonep2vchk options to perform several types of checking:

  • Basic analysis checks for Oracle Solaris features in use that might be impacted by global to non-global transformation. This is the default if you specify no options.

    Use the ‐b option for basic checking when combined with other options.

  • Static analysis inspects binaries for system and library calls that might not function in a zone.

    Use the lowercase ‐s option to specify paths for binaries to analyze, or use the uppercase ‐S option to specify the path to a file that lists the files and directories to analyze.

  • Runtime analysis inspects the currently executing applications for operations that might not function in a zone.

    Use the ‐r option with a specified duration in hours, minutes, or seconds, or the ‐x option to analyze until you send a signal interrupt such as by typing Ctrl-C.

For more information, see How to Check the Source System With zonep2vchk and the zonep2vchk(8) man page.