About Cold Migration of solaris
A zone migration is the process of transferring an existing zone configuration and data from one host system to another host system. Zone migrations can only be performed for zones on shared storage. Zone migration can be cold, warm, or live. However, because solaris
zones depend on the host's kernel, the zones cannot be running during migration to a new host. Therefore, warm migration and live migration are not supported for a solaris
Cold migration occurs when the zone is not running on the source host while the zone is migrated. During cold migration, the zone is detached from storage, and a small amount of data is moved to the new host. When the zone is attached on the new host, it attaches the shared storage and the zone data is accessed using the same path. Cold migrations take approximately the same amount of time as a zone detach followed by an attach.
For additional information about shared storage, see Oracle Solaris Zones on Shared Storage. See About Zone Migration in Introduction to Oracle Solaris Zones for more information about zone migration and zone migration types.