How to Use Unified Archive to Move a Non-Global Zone to a New System

Perform this procedure to transform a solaris zone that is not on shared storage.


If the zone is configured on shared storage, go to Moving Existing Zones To or From Shared Storage Zone Configurations.
  1. On the global zone, become an administrator.
  2. Create a recovery archive of the source system's non-global zone that you want to migrate.
    source$ pfbash archiveadm create -r -z zonename
  3. Uninstall the non-global zone on the source system, or set the autoboot property for the zone to false.

    • To uninstall the zone, perform the following command:

      source$ zoneadm -z zonename uninstall
    • To disable the autoboot property, perform the following command:

      source$ zonecfg -z zonename set autoboot=false
  4. Configure the non-global zone using the archive on the target host.
    target$ pfbash zonecfg -z zonename create -a /path/zone-archive-name.uar
  5. Install the zone on the target host from the archive.
    target$ zoneadm -z zonename install -a zone-archive-name.uar
  6. Boot the installed zone on the target host.
    target$ zoneadm -z zonename boot

See Also

For additional information about creating and deploying Unified Archives, refer to Chapter 2, Working With Unified Archives in Using Unified Archives for System Recovery and Cloning in Oracle Solaris 11.4.