Zone SMF Instance Service States

As part of service management duties, the svc.zones command implements a state machine for each of its managed zone SMF instances. The states in this machine are made up of the states described in the smf(7) man page. The following are descriptions of these states:


The zone SMF instance reached the online state, but zoneadmd failed multiple times and the daemon is not running.


The zone is halted and cannot be booted up by the zones restarter.


Use the output of the svcs -vx command to determine the reason for the maintenance state. A zone SMF instance in the maintenance state will not clear the maintenance state on a disable event. A zone SMF instance can be in the maintenance state for the following reasons:

  • Failed boot attempt.

  • The zone is in a state from which it cannot be booted.

  • The zone's milestone/goals dependencies cannot be satisfied without administrative action.


The zone SMF instance is enabled, but its SMF dependencies have not been satisfied.


The zone is running and has reached milestone/goals. For zones that do not support milestone/goals, the online state will be reached immediately, when the zone begins booting.

The milestone/goals provide an unambiguous point where a system can be considered up and running. The dependencies of milestone/goals should be configured to align with the mission critical services for the system. The default dependency of milestone/goals is:


See Creating a Goal Service in Developing System Services in Oracle Solaris 11.4 for more information about milestone/goals.


svc.zones has not yet processed the corresponding zone.