Zones Delegated Restarter Properties

The zones delegated restarter can limit the number of concurrent zones booting up or shutting down, and suspending or resuming. The limits are set with the svccfg and svcadm commands by setting the following properties for the zones delegated restarter:


The maximum number of concurrent zones booting up or shutting down.


The maximum number of concurrent zones performing suspend or resume operations.

By default the zones delegated restarter performs tasks for all zones in parallel. There is no limit for concurrent zones operations by the zones restarter if the properties are absent, have no value, or have a value set to zero.

The booting process of a non-global zone is considered completed when the zone SMF instance reaches the online state or the maintenance state. See About the Zone SMF Instance Service State for more information about the SMF states for zones.

For more information about the zones delegated restarter, see the svc.zones(8) man page.