Swap partitions created on Arm platform using an earlier UEK release don't work after upgrade to UEK R7

The UEK R7 release includes a significant change for the Arm platform regarding the default page size, which has changed to 4 KB, from the previous 64 KB default. Any swap partitions that were created on the Arm platform using an earlier UEK release, for example, UEK R6, don't work after upgrading to UEK R7.


This issue applies to the Arm platform, irrespective of file system type.

Upon the first boot into UEK R7 after an upgrade, the following systemd service failure is indicated:

systemctl list-units --failed

dev-mapper-ol_myhost\x2dswap.swap loaded failed failed

To work around this issue, you must reinitialize the swap device with the new page size after upgrading to UEK R7. Use the swapon command as follows and specify the swap location:

sudo swapon --fixpgsz /dev/mapper/ol_myhost-swap
swapon: /dev/mapper/ol_myhost-swap: swap format pagesize does not match.
swapon: /dev/mapper/ol_myhost-swap: reinitializing the swap.
mkswap: /dev/mapper/ol_myhost-swap: warning: wiping old swap signature.
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 2 GiB (2147479552 bytes)
no label, UUID=d7ef0a33-403f-447b-863f-d52b7f66c803

In the previous command, /dev/mapper/ol_myhost-swap is an example of a typical swap location that you might specify.

For more information about the important change in default page size for the Arm platform in UEK R7, see Default Page Size on Arm Platform Changed to 4 KB.

(Bug ID 34322552)