Overview of the Workstation Service

Oracle Workstation Service is a scalable and secure Oracle Cloud service that simplifies the creation and management of computational resources and storage.

With Workstation Service you can create a computational environment in the cloud, with access via Virtual Desktops, Terminals, or common web interfaces like Jupyter; upload and download data from an on-prem system to Cloud and, connect the data to pre-configured workloads. Workstation service also enables estimating the cost of the underlying resources before creating them.

About Workstation Service


Workstations are designed to be specific computational environments that are pre-configured for certain use cases. They may be a single virtual machine or a full cluster, but will typically have a user-friendly interface to log into and manage. Workstations come in a variety of flavors that align with specific use cases and research domains. Workstations are designed to be created and destroyed often because each time they spin up they will have the exact same configuration. Workstations can have long-term data stored in a Share Drive rather than on a local disk to allow the data, scripts, and custom settings to be managed by their own lifecycle and be connected to workstations as necessary. Workstations can be left as a long-running resource if desired.

Share Drive

Share Drive is a Cloud storage system that allows users to store and use files from anywhere in the cloud. They allow users to upload/download data via the browser or easily connect to workstations to access files programmatically. Share Drive can be connected to multiple workstations at once allowing you to share data, scripts, files, etc. across a collection of resources at once.


Note: Share Drives are not designed to be high-performance file systems. For workloads that require large IOPS we recommend using Share Drive for reading data and writing final outputs, but use the local disk, or other high-performance data systems to run calculations and store intermediate files.

Getting Started


Before users start creating Workstations, you have to configure the policies. All policies should be created at the parent compartment level.

Creating Policies

Create SSH key Pair

For MacOS

For Windows 10

For Linux

Share Drive

Creating a Share Drive

Upload Data to Share Drive

Moving data into and out of Share Drive is a core capability that can be accomplished in a few ways. Note, that this method is not recommended for data sizes larger than 10GB.


Creating a workstation

The workstation page is displayed when you navigate to the Workstations section from the overview page.

Note, that applications on the workstation typically take up to 15 mins to be available.

Installing application

Users have full access on their workstations and can pip, dnf, rpm, yum install libraries or applications as needed.

Workstation Images and Configurations

Workstation Service offers a variety of pre-configured workstation templates to get started.


Base Image, Drivers and Components



Life Sciences

Base Image, Drivers and Components



Computational Chemistry

Base Image, Drivers and Components




Base Image, Drivers and Components




Base Image, Drivers and Components



Sign up for Oracle Workstation Service

Users can request access to the service by emailing the details below to workstationservice_ww@oracle.com

How to find Tenancy OCID

Get a Cloud Account

If you don’t have a Oracle Cloud Account, here are some of the ways to get it.

For Researchers
Oracle Cloud Starter Award

For Everyone
Oracle Cloud Free Tier

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Will I be charged for this service?
    Oracle Workstation Service is a free service. Users will be charged only for using the underlying resources. For example, compute will be billed when the workstation is running.

  2. Why do I see Connection Errors when trying to launch applications from workstation? It takes about 5-10 mins for applications to be ready once the workstation is created,re-try after some time. If the issue is persistent, email: worstationservice_ww@oracle.com

  3. How do I report an issue/bug?
    You can report issues by emailing: worstationservice_ww@oracle.com