How to Uninstall Components on Oracle Solaris

  • To uninstall Hardware Management Pack components manually, you must be logged into your system with root privileges.

  1. Determine which component(s) to uninstall. See Available Hardware Management Pack Components.


    The following package dependencies exist.

    • hmp-libs must be uninstalled at the same time or after all other Hardware Management packages have been uninstalled.

    • hmp-snmp must be uninstalled at the same time or before hwmgmtcli is uninstalled.

  2. To uninstall the packages, use the following command:

    # pkg uninstall package-name

    Where package-name is one of the packages listed in Available Hardware Management Pack Components. For example:

    root@system1:~# pkg uninstall system/management/raidconfig
                Packages to remove:  1
           Create boot environment: No
    Create backup boot environment: No
    PHASE                                          ITEMS
    Removing old actions                           20/20
    Updating package state database                 Done
    Updating package cache                           1/1
    Updating image state                            Done
    Creating fast lookup database                   Done
    Updating package cache                           1/1