How to Enable Host-to-ILOM Interconnect

The Host-to-ILOM Interconnect is automatically enabled and configured in the Oracle Solaris operating system.

If it is not enabled, you can use itpconfig to manage this feature and its properties.


It is recommended that you use this command without any arguments and let itpconfig choose the settings. You can override the defaults with different IP and netmask addresses, but this is for advanced users only.

  1. Issue the following command:

    # itpconfig enable interconnect [--ipaddress=ipaddress] [--netmask=netmask] [--hostipaddress=hostipaddress]

    Option Description Example


    Oracle ILOM IP address. This address must be in the format: 169.254.x.x


    Oracle ILOM netmask.


    Host IP address. This address must be in the format: 169.254.x.x