Display a Brief Listing of All Devices

  1. To display a brief listing of all available controllers, RAID volumes, disks in use, and available disks, type:

    # raidconfig list all

    The following shows sample output from this command.

    Manufacturer   Model     F/W Version    RAID Volumes   Disks
    Adaptec        0x0285    5.2-0          4              8
    RAID Volumes
    ID     Name               Device     Status        Num Disks   Level   Size (GB)
    c0r0   0919XF5017-0       /dev/sda   OK            1           Simple  146
    c0r1   raid1              /dev/sdb   OK            2           0       293
    c0r2   raid2              /dev/sdc   OK            3           10      146
    c0r3   noname             /dev/sdd   OK            2           0       293
    DISKS In Use
    ID      Chassis   Slot   RAID ID   Status    Type   Media   Spare      Size (GB)
    c0d0    0         0      c0r0      OK        sas    HDD     -          146
    c0d1    0         1      c0r2      OK        sas    HDD     -          146
    c0d2    0         2      c0r3      OK        sas    HDD     -          146
    c0d3    0         3      c0r3      OK        sas    HDD     -          146
    c0d4    0         4      c0r2      OK        sas    HDD     -          146
    c0d5    0         5      c0r2      -         sas    HDD     Dedicated  146
    c0d6    0         6      c0r1      OK        sas    HDD     -          146
    c0d7    0         7      c0r1      OK        sas    HDD     -          146 

    The following table lists the possible RAID statuses that can be displayed with the raidconfig list all command.

    Status Meaning


    The status of the RAID volume is OK.


    The RAID volume has been degraded.


    The RAID volume has failed.


    The controller is reporting that it has a RAID volume is configured but the actual configuration settings aren't available. This status is rare.

    The following table lists the possible disk statuses that can be displayed with the raidconfig list all command.

    Status Meaning


    The status of the disk is OK.


    The disk is offline.


    The disk has failed.


    The disk has been removed from a RAID.


    The disk has been initialized.


    The disk is a spare.