Execution Summary

After the fwupdate tool is used to update firmware, an execution summary provides information on whether or not the update was successful. This information is also written to the log file.

The following examples show the possible execution summary messages:

  • Message printed after a successful dry-run/check function:

    Check firmware successful for device: device_name

  • The update was successful, but no firmware version information is available for this component:

    Upgrade of firmware for device_name succeeded. Version information was not available.

    Consult your product release notes for information on how to verify the update.

  • Update was successful:

    Upgrade of device_name from old_fw to new_fw succeeded.

  • The version number of the software did not change after a successful update:

    Upgrade of device_name from old_fw succeeded, but is not yet active.

    This might mean that the server needs to be reset, or that other instructions need to be followed. Consult your product release notes for instructions on how to update the version number.

  • Update failed:

    Upgrade of device_name failed: error_message

The variables in the previous output represent the following:

  • device_name is the logical name of the device that is being updated.

  • old_fw is the old firmware version.

  • new_fw is the new firmware version.

  • error_message is the error message that explains why the firmware update did not succeed.