Modify Clock Information

To modify clock information, use the ilomconfig modify clock command. When you specify an XML file name, the command modifies information defined in the exported service processor configuration XML file rather than modifying Oracle ILOM.

  1. To modify clock information, type:

    # ilomconfig modify clock [--datetime=datetime] [--timezone=timezone] [--usentp=enabled|disabled [-ntp-server1=ntpserver1] [--ntp-server2=ntpserver2] [--xmlfile=filename.xml]

    Option Description Example


    Oracle ILOM date in MMDDhhmmYYYY format or format.



    Oracle ILOM clock time zone, such as GMT.

    enabled or disabled


    Oracle ILOM NTP client state.

    enabled or disabled


    Oracle ILOM NTP server 1 IP address.



    Oracle ILOM NTP server 2 IP address.



    Modify specified XML file rather than local Oracle ILOM service processor. Must be followed by = and the pathname to the file.
