Confirm That the Oracle Linux FMA Software is Running

  • You must be logged in to your system with root privileges to run Oracle Linux FMA commands.

  • You must have already installed the required Oracle Linux packages and Oracle Linux FMA software as described in the previous sections.

  1. To confirm that the Linux Fault Manager is running, type the following command from the prompt:

    # /opt/fma/fm/sbin/fmadm config

    You should see output listing the required fault management components and their status. For example:

    ext-event-transport   0.2     active  External FM event transport
    fmd-self-diagnosis    1.0     active  Fault Manager Self-Diagnosis
    ip-transport          1.1     active  IP Transport Agent
    mce                   1.0     active  Machine Check Translator
    sysevent-transport    1.0     active  SysEvent Transport Agent
    syslog-msgs           1.1     active  Syslog Messaging Agent