itpconfig and the Oracle ILOM Trap Proxy

The itpconfig command-line interface (CLI) tool configures Oracle ILOM to forward SNMP traps to the host over the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect, available on servers with the necessary hardware. See your server documentation to check if your server supports Host-to-ILOM Interconnect. You can also use itpconfig to configure the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect between Oracle ILOM SP and the host.

In Oracle Hardware Management Pack 2.4, a feature was added that allows the trap proxy to notify the Hardware Management Agent when Oracle ILOM has sent a trap. Instead of regularly polling Oracle ILOM for information, detection of a trap will initiate an update cycle to get the newest data from Oracle ILOM. By default, if no traps trigger a polling cycle then Oracle ILOM is polled by the Hardware Management Agent once per hour. For more about this feature, see Hardware Management Agent Configuration File in Oracle Hardware Management Pack 2.4 Server Management Agents User’s Guide.