Check Services and Modules

  1. If Oracle Linux Fault Management (FMA) software is not working correctly, check that the following modules and services are in the correct state:
    Oracle Linux Version Service or Module Required State

    Oracle Linux 6.5 or later and 7.0 or later

    IPMI service

    Installed and running

    Oracle Linux 6.5 or later and 7.0 or later


    Installed and available

    Oracle Linux 6.5 or later and 7.0 or later

    EDAC module


    Oracle Linux 6.5 or later

    mcelog service

    Installed and running

    Oracle Linux 7.0 or later

    mcelog service

    Installed and running in daemon mode only

    For detailed information to check and configure the services and modules, refer to: Install the Required Linux Components Before Installing Oracle Linux FMA Software in Oracle Hardware Management Pack 2.4 Installation Guide.