fmadm acquit Command

Often you use the acquit option when you determine that the resource was not the cause. Acquittal can also happen implicitly when additional error events occur, and the diagnosis gets refined.

Replacement takes precedence over repair, and both replacement and repair take precedence over acquittal. Thus, you can acquit a component and then subsequently repair it, but you cannot acquit a component that has already been repaired.

A case is considered repaired (moves into the FMD_CASE_REPAIRED state and a list.repaired event is generated) when either its UUID is acquitted, or all suspects have been either repaired, replaced, removed, or acquitted.

Usually fmd automatically acquits a suspect in a multi-element suspect list, or Oracle Support Services gives you instructions to perform a manual acquittal. You would only want to acquit by label if you determined that the resource was not guilty in all current cases in which it is a suspect. However, you can allow a FRU to be manually acquitted in one case while remaining a suspect in all others, using the following option which enables you to specify both UUID and label:

fmadm acquit uuid [label]