Configure the Hardware Management Agent for SNMP Support and Logging Level

  1. Find the hwmgmtd.conf file and open it for editing.

    The following table shows the file location on different operating systems.

    Operating System Configuration file path

    Oracle Solaris


    Where ssm_directory is either sun-ssm or ssm, depending on your version of Oracle Hardware Management Pack.

    Linux based


    Where ssm_directory is either sun-ssm or ssm, depending on your version of Oracle Hardware Management Pack.

  2. Find the hwagentd_log_levels parameter and change the logging level to one of the options described in the Hardware Management Agent Configuration File.
  3. Find the polling and thread parameters and enable them as described in the Hardware Management Agent Configuration File.
  4. Save the modified hwmgmtd.conf file.
  5. Choose one of the following options to make the Hardware Management Agent reread the hwmgmtd.conf file:
    • On Oracle Solaris, disable and enable the agent:

      # /usr/sbin/svcadm disable svc:/application/management/hwmgmtd:default

      # /usr/sbin/svcadm enable svc:/application/management/hwmgmtd:default

    • On Linux based operating systems, restart the agent:

      # /sbin/service hwmgmtd restart

    The Hardware Management Agent rereads the hwmgmtd.conf file with the modified polling and logging level parameters.