Oracle ILOM: BIOS Configuration Features

Oracle ILOM provides a set of configurable properties that help you to manage the BIOS configuration parameters on an Oracle ILOM managed x86 server. These configurable Oracle ILOM properties enable you to:

  • Back up a copy of the configuration parameters in the BIOS non-volatile data store.

  • Restore a copy of the backed-up configuration parameters to the BIOS non-volatile data store.

  • Reset the parameters in the BIOS non-volatile data store to factory defaults.

In addition, Oracle ILOM dynamically monitors the parameters in the BIOS non-volatile data store to ensure that they are in sync with the parameters in the Oracle ILOM BIOS Configuration file. A configuration sync status, appearing in the CLI and web interface, indicates the current state of the BIOS parameters stored in the Oracle ILOM BIOS Configuration file.


For advanced users who need to provision the BIOS configuration to another Oracle x86 server, see Optionally Edit the Oracle ILOM Backup XML Configuration File .