Requirements for Using the Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI

The following requirements must be met prior to using the Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI for the first time:

Table 6-3 Requirements for Using Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI

Setup Requirement Description

JRE 1.5 environment

The storage redirection service and client are Java Web Start applications that require the installation of the Java Runtime Environment (1.5 or later) on the local client system.

To download the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE), see Java Download.

Register 32-Bit JDK Plug-in and Start Storage Redirection Service

The storage redirection service must be installed locally or set to run from the Oracle ILOM web interface.

The 32-bit JDK Java plug-in must also be registered with the local client web browser.

Related Information:

Install Storage Redirection Client

After registering the 32-bit JDK plug-in with the local client web browser and starting the storage redirection service for the first-time, the storage redirection client must be installed on the local client system.

Related Information:

User Roles

A Console (c) role is required in Oracle ILOM to launch and use the Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI.

Communication TCP/IP Port Required

The Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI, by default, uses TCP/IP port: 2121 to communicate with the host server.

Related Information: