Setting Device Monitoring Configuration Properties


The Device Monitor feature is not available for configuration on all Oracle Servers. This feature applies to supported Oracle storage controllers, such as the Oracle Flash Accelerator F640 PCIe Card and 6.4 TB NVMe SSD device.

As of Oracle ILOM firmware version 4.0.3, administrators can optionally choose to enable or disable device monitoring. Device monitoring is enabled by default.

Before updating RAID HBA, NVMe, or other optional device firmware, it is recommended to suspend the Oracle ILOM Device Monitor feature if it is applicable for the server and if the feature is enabled. Monitored upgradable devices can create FMA faults if the firmware update contains updates for these devices. After the device firmware update has completed, re-enable device monitoring. If the SP reboots after the firmware update procedure or the server is power cycled, device monitoring is reset to the enabled state, which is the default setting. If the firmware update procedure cannot be modified within a workflow, mitigate the FMA fault first on the monitored device and then on Oracle ILOM before proceeding with the update.

For a description of the device monitoring configuration properties, see the following table:

Table 10-2 Configurable Device Monitoring Properties

User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • CLI: /SP/services/device_monitor
  • Web: System Management > Device Monitor
  • User Role: admin (a) (required for all property modifications)
System Management Policy Description
Service State


Note: The Device Monitor feature is not available for configuration on all Oracle Servers.

Enabled (Default) | Disabled | Suspended

  • Enabled – Select Enabled to enable the device monitoring mode in Oracle ILOM. When enabled, Oracle ILOM will manage the supported device(s) at the set polling interval, as well as report errors and faults detected for these devices in the Open Problems web page and CLI target (show /System/Open_Problems).
  • Disabled – Select Disabled to disable the device monitoring mode in Oracle ILOM.
  • Suspended – Select Suspended to temporarily suspend the device monitoring mode in Oracle ILOM. When this mode is suspended, device monitoring will remain in a suspended state until after the SP reboots or the Service State is set to Enabled. During this time period, all alert and error notifications generated by device monitoring are also suspended.

CLI Syntax for Device Monitor Service State:

set /SP/services/device monitor servicestate= enabled | disabled | suspended

Polling Interval


60 seconds (Default)

The Polling Interval property indicates how frequently Oracle ILOM will poll the supported device(s). This property is only in effect when the Service State property is enabled.

Seconds (60 default) – Enter a value from 30 to 600 to specify the number of seconds Oracle ILOM will wait before repolling the supported device(s).

CLI Syntax for Device Monitor Polling Interval:

set /SP/services/device_monitor polling interval= [30 to 600]