GET FRU Information

Use a GET request to retrieve FRU information.


Since FRUs can vary between platforms, the Swagger model does not support the ability to describe every FRU instance. It is assumed that the REST API client is aware of the FRU path names. In cases where the REST API client is not aware of the path name, but it is aware of the FRU name, the path name for that FRU instance is discoverable through the Target links appearing in the response.

HTTP Request Format:

GET /rest/v<version>/SYS/<FRU name>  HTTP/1.1
<Header Name> : <Header Value>


  • SYS, the top level resource target, is always entered as upper-case. All resource path names under /SYS are always case-sensitive.

Request Header Fields Required

The required request header fields are as follows: Authorization, Accept, and Host.

For a description of these required header fields, see Common Request Header Fields.

Response: FRU Resource Properties

The following list identifies the typical FRU response properties:

  • fru_type – Identifies the type of field replacement unit.

  • fru_part_number – Identifies the part_number assigned to the field replacement unit.

  • fru_serial_number – When available, identifies the serial number assigned to the field replacement unit.

  • fru_rev_level – When available, identifies the revision level assigned to the field replacement unit.

  • fru_manufacturer – When available, identifies the manufacturer name for the field replacement unit:

  • fru_description – When available, provides additional information about the field replacement unit.


Some FRU resources, including /SYS, are containers of FRU resources or other FRU containers. These type of resources might not include a list of all the FRU properties.

HTTP Example: Retrieve Disk Backplane Information

GET /rest/v1/SYS/DBP HTTP /1.1
<Header Name> : <Header Value>

Response: Status Codes

  • Success: HTTP Status = 200 OK

  • Failure: HTTP Status = 4xx, 5xx

HTTP Example: Response Body


To identify the exact response body media type, refer to the Oracle ILOM Swagger Model (swagger.json) description. For more details, see Discovering Management Resources.
    "fru_type":"Disk Backplane",
    "fru_manufacturer":"MiTAC International Corporation",
    "fru_description":"ASM, BB, DISK CAGE,1",
      {"name":"HDD0", "uri":"/rest/v1/SYS/DBP/HDD0"},
      {"name":"SASEXP", "uri":"/rest/v1/SYS/DBP/SASEXP"}],