Event, Audit, and System Log Tasks and Applicable CLI Targets

Use the following table to help identify the applicable CLI namespace targets for managing log entries in Oracle ILOM.

For detailed information about managing Oracle ILOM logs, see the log management topic listed in the Related Information section that appears after this table.

Log Management Tasks CLI Properties on Server SP User Role Required

View, filter, or clear entries in the audit log or event log.


  • audit

  • event

For a list of filter property values, click the More details... link on the Administration > Logs page in the Oracle ILOM web interface.

  • Read only (o) to view

  • Admin (a) to clear

View or clear system log entries..


  • Read only (o) to view

  • Admin (a) to clear

Set up log centralization by using a syslog server.

Set the address or domain name of the primary and secondary syslog servers that will maintain a copy of the Oracle ILOM logs.


  • Admin (a)