fmstat Report Property Descriptions

Property Description


The engine column in the fmstat tabular output identifies the name of the diagnosis engine:

  • repair – Rule that indicates a fault should be considered repaired if a specified ereport is logged. For example, the fault fault.chassis.power.inadequate@/sys would be considered repaired if ereport.chassis.boot.power-off-requested@/system was logged.

  • hysteresis – Rule to diagnose a fault if ereport A (initiation) is logged and ereport B (cancellation) is not logged within some specified time afterward. The time limit between the initiation/cancellation can be no greater than 10 seconds.

    For example, if is logged and is logged 13 seconds later, a fault would be diagnosed.

  • SERD – Soft error rate discrimination (SERD) is used in tracking multiple occurrences of an ereport. If more than N ereports show up within time period T, the fault is diagnosed. For example, if too many correctable memory error ereports are logged within a specific time frame, a DIMM fault is diagnosed.

  • simple – Rule to allow one ereport to result in the diagnosis of multiple faults. For example, an ereport for an uncorrectable memory error can lead to a fault diagnosis for two DIMMs in a DIMM pair.


The status column in the fmstat tabular output identifies the current state of the diagnosis engine, which can include: uninit, empty, enqueued, busy, or exiting.


The evts_in column in the fmstat tabular output identifies the number of events received by the engine that are relevant to a diagnosis.


The evts_out column in the fmstat tabular output identifies the number of faults detected and posted by the engine.


The errors column in the fmstat tabular output identifies the number of internal errors detected by the engine.