View Subcomponent-Level Information and Health Status (CLI)

The host health status CLI properties for sub-components are viewable under the /System target.

  1. To access subcomponent-level health details from the CLI, type:

    show /System / [subcomponent-category-name]

    Where [subcomponent-category-name] equals one of the subcomponent target names under show /System.


    For Oracle's multi-domain SPARC systems, use the following CLI path to view subcomponent-level health details for a PDomain: /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/System/subcomponent-category-name

    For example:

    • To view the subcomponent health status for memory modules on a single server SP system, type:

      show /System/Memory

            health = OK
            health_details = -
            installed_memory = 16 GB
            installed_dimms = 2
            max_dimms = 16
    • To view the subcomponent health status for a specific DIMM on a single server SP, type:

      show /System/Memory/DIMMs/DIMM_n

       /System/Memory/DIMMs/DIMM_0    Targets:    Properties:        health = OK        health_details = -        part_number = 001-0003        serial_number = 00AD0111232F6E432B        location = P0/D0 (CPU 0 DIMM 0)        manufacturer = Hynix Semiconductor Inc.        memory_size = 8 GB    Commands:        cd        show 


      In the DIMM_n properties, as of Oracle ILOM 3.1.2, the following format will be used to describe the value for the part_number = Oracle_part number, vendor_part_number. For example: 5111616-01,M393B5270DH0-YK0; where: 5111616-01 is the Oracle part number and M393B5270DH0-YK0 is the vendor part number.