Alert Notification Configuration Properties

For each alert notification, Oracle ILOM requires these three properties to be set: alert type, alert destination, and alert level. Depending on which alert type is configured, other properties are optionally configurable.

For further details about the configuration properties for alert notifications, see the following table.

Table 9-1 Alert Notification Configuration Properties

Property Requirement Description
Alert Type Mandatory The alert type property specifies the message format and the delivery method that Oracle ILOM will use when creating and sending the alert message.

Alert type choices include:

  • IPMI PET Alerts – Required properties include: alert destination IP address and an alert level. Each specified alert destination must support the receipt of IPMI PET messages.
  • SNMP Trap Alerts – View alert management rules or change the alert management rule properties.

Related Information:

Alert Destination Mandatory The Alert Destination property specifies where to send the alert message. IP address destinations must be configured for IPMI PET and SNMP alerts. Email address destinations must be configured for Email alerts.
Alert Destination Port Optional The TCP/UDP destination port only applies to SNMP alert configurations.

Oracle ILOM automatically selects a standard TCP/UDP destination port number. System administrators can optionally choose to accept the standard (162) port number or manually specify a TCP/UDP port number.

Alert Level Mandatory All alert notification configurations require setting an alert level.

Alert levels enable the sending of the alert notification. In addition, for IPMI PET alerts and Email alerts, alert levels act as a filter mechanism to ensure alert recipients only receive the alert messages that they are most interested in receiving.

Oracle ILOM offers the following alert levels with Minor being the lowest alert offered:

  • Minor – Generates alerts for informational events, as well as major and critical events.
  • Major – Generates alerts for all non-critical, non-recoverable, and critical events.
  • Critical – Generates alerts for all critical and non-recoverable events.
  • Down –This level generates alerts for only upper and lower non-recoverable events.
  • Disable – Disables the alert configuration. Oracle ILOM will not generate an alert message.

Important: Oracle ILOM supports alert level filtering for all IPMI PET alert configurations and Email alert configurations. Oracle ILOM does not support alert level filtering for SNMP alert configurations. However, to enable Oracle ILOM to generate an SNMP alert, one of the following alert levels must be specified: Minor, Major, Critical, or Down.

Email Custom Sender Optional for Email Alerts System administrators can optionally configure this property for Email alert configurations only.

The email_custom_sender property enables Oracle ILOM to override the SMPT customer sender address by using one of the following strings: <IPADDRESS> or <HOSTNAME>.

Example: alert@<IPADDRESS>.

Email Message Prefix Optional for Email Alerts System administrators can optionally configure this property for Email alert configurations only.

The Email Message Prefix property enables Oracle ILOM to prepend user-specified information to the message body.

Event Class Filter Optional for Email Alerts System administrators can optionally configure this property for Email alert configurations only.

The Event Class Filter property enables Oracle ILOM to filter out all information except the selected event class. To clear the filter and send information about all classes, enter empty double quotes (““).

Event Type Filter Optional for Email Alerts System administrators can optionally configure this property for Email alert configurations only.

The Event Type Filter property enables Oracle ILOM to filter out all information except the selected event type. To clear the filter and send information about all event types, enter empty double quotes (““).

SNMP Version Optional for SNMP Alerts

The SNMP Version property enables system administrators to specify the SNMP trap version being sent. Supported SNMP versions include: 1, 2c, or 3.

SNMP Community Name


User Name

Optional for SNMP Alerts System administrators can optionally specify an SNMPv1 or 2c community string or an SNMPv3 user name.

Note: If an SNMPv3 user name is configured, the SNMPv3 user name must be configured in Oracle ILOM. If the SNMP user name is not configured, the alert will not be authenticated for delivery.