Create or Update a Banner Message

  1. To specify the type of banner that you want to create or update, perform the applicable Web or CLI step:
    • Web: Click Update under either the Connect or Login message text box.

      The Edit Banner Message dialog appears.

    • CLI: Type the following command string:

      cd /SP/preferences/banner/[connect | login]


      • SP = Server SP management

      • connect = Pre-login message

      • login = Post-login message

  2. To specify the banner message, perform the applicable Web or CLI steps.
    • Web: In the Edit Banner Message dialog, perform one of the following actions.

      • To paste or type a message in the Data text box, select Paste from the Transfer Method box, enter the text into the Data text box, and then click Save.

      • To upload content from a file, select a protocol from the Transfer Method box, fill in the appropriate Transfer Method text boxes, and then click Save.

        For a description of each file transfer protocol, see Supported File Transfer Methods.

    • CLI: To paste, upload, or type a message, perform one of the following:

      • To paste a message from a target location:

        1. Type the following command string

          load -source console


          Setting the message via console only supports 1000 characters.

        2. Paste the message below the command string that was typed in Step 2a.

        3. Press one of the following key-combinations:

          • Ctrl-Z — To save and process the changes.

            A Load Successful confirmation message appears.

          • Ctrl-C —To exit and discard the changes.

      • To manually enter message content, type the following command string:

        set message=[message content]

      • To upload message content by using a file transfer protocol, type the following command string:

        load -source URI [file transfer protocol]://[username:password@ipaddress_or_hostname]/[file-path]/[filename]


        • file transfer method = tftp | ftp | sftp | scp | http | https

          For a description of each file transfer protocol, see Supported File Transfer Methods.

        • username = The name of the user account for the chosen transfer method server. A username is required for scp, sftp, and ftp. A username is not required for tftp, and it is optional for http and https.

        • password = The user account password for the chosen transfer method server. A password is required for scp, sftp, and ftp. A password is not used for tftp, and it is optional for http and https.

        • ipaddress_or_hostname = Type the IP address or the host name for the chosen transfer method server.

        • filepath = Type the file location on the transfer method server.

        • filename = Type the name assigned to the file, for example: foo.xml