Power-On and Cooling-Down Policies Configurable From the Server SP

System administrators can optionally set system management policies from the server SP to control power-on and power-off policies on boot, as well as cooling policies for system components.

All system management policies are, by default, disabled from the Oracle ILOM SP. For property descriptions of the system management policies that are configurable from the server SP, see the following table.


The policies described in this section are server-specific, therefore, they can vary from system to system. Consult the documentation provided with your server for additional policy details.

Table 10-1 Configurable Server SP Power-On and Cooling-Down Policies

User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • CLI: / SP /policy
  • Web: System Management > Policy > Policy Configuration
  • User Role: admin (a) (required for all property modifications)
System Management Policy Description
Auto-Power-On Host on Boot


Disabled (default) |Enabled

Enable this policy to automatically power on the host server operating system at boot.

Note. Enabling this policy automatically disables the policy for “Set host power to last power state policy” if enabled.

Note. The HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON property is not available for configuration on all x86 and SPARC servers.

CLI Syntax for Auto-Power-On-Host on Boot:

set /SP/policy HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON=enabled|disabled

Set Host to Last Power State on Boot


Disabled (default) |Enabled

Enable this policy to set the host server power state to the last known state at boot.

Note.Enabling this policy automatically disables the policy for “Auto power-on host policy” if enabled.

Note: The HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE property is not available for configuration on all x86 and SPARC servers.

CLI Syntax for Set Host to Last Power State on Boot:

set /SP/policy HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE=enabled|disabled

Set to Delay Host Power On

(SPARC server only)


Disabled (default) |Enabled

Enable this policy on an Oracle SPARC server to delay the host operating system from powering on at boot.

CLI Syntax for Set to Delay Power On:

set /SP/policy HOST_POWER_ON_DELAY=enabled|disabled

Set Low Line AC Override Mode Policy (x86 server only)


Disabled (default) |Enabled

The Low Line AC Override policy determines whether a 4-CPU system can use low-line (110 volt) power for special testing scenarios. The power capacity for each power supply unit (PSU) is roughly 1000 watts at low line. Since the power of a 4-CPU system can exceed 1000 watts by a large amount, enabling this setting results in a loss of PSU redundancy.

Note: The LOW_LINE_AC_OVERRIDE_MODE property is not configurable on all x86 servers. CLI Syntax for Set Low Line AC Override Mode Policy:

set /SP/policy LOW_LINE_AC_OVERRIDE_MODE=enabled|disabled

Set Parallel Boot (Supported on most SPARC T series servers and SPARC 7-2 series servers)


Enabled (default) |Disabled

The PARALLEL_BOOT property enables the host to boot and power on in parallel with the SP. When enabled, parallel booting occurs if an auto-power policy (HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON or HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE) was on or if a user presses the power button while the SP is in the process of booting. Oracle ILOM must be running in order to enable the host to power on in these situations. When this property is set to disabled, the SP boots first, then the host boots.

Note: The PARALLEL_BOOT property is not configurable on x86 servers or SPARC M series servers. It is configurable on most SPARC T series servers and the SPARC S7-2 series servers.

CLI Syntax for Parallel Boot:

set /SP/policy Parallel_Boot=enabled|disabled

Redirect VGA Output


Disabled (default) |Enabled

Note: The VGA_REAR_PORT property is not configurable on x86 servers or SPARC M series servers. It is configurable on most SPARC T series servers and the SPARC S7-2 series server.

Enable to redirect vga output to the rear port of the server.

CLI Syntax for VGA OUTPUT:

set /SP/policy VGA_REAR_PORT=enabled|disabled

Set Enhanced PCIe Cooling Mode (x86 server only)


Disabled (default) |Enabled

Set to allow the host to poweron independently of ILOM

Enable this policy on an Oracle x86 server PCEI card systems to satisfy cooler operating temperature requirements.

The PCIe cool-down policy mode, when enabled, directs Oracle ILOM to lower the chassis output temperature sensor thresholds to keep the PCIe cards operating within the required temperature range.

Note: The ENHANCED_PCIE_COOLING_MODE property is not configurable on all x86 servers.

CLI Syntax for Set Enhanced PCIe Cooling Mode:

set /SP/policy ENHANCED_PCIE_COOLING_MODE=enabled|disabled

Enable a Cooldown Period Before Host Shuts Down (SPARC server only)


Disabled (default) |Enabled

Enable this property on SPARC servers to enter a cool down mode upon powering off the host server. The cool down mode directs Oracle ILOM to monitor certain components to ensure that they are below a minimum temperature as to not cause harm to the user. Once the server sub-components are below the minimum temperature, the power is removed from the server, or the host will turn off if the process takes longer then 4 minutes to complete.

CLI Syntax to Enable Cool Down Period Before Host Shuts Down:

set /SP/policy HOST_COOLDOWN=enabled|disabled