Reset the Oracle ILOM Configuration to Factory Defaults

System administrators can restore the current Oracle ILOM configuration settings on the SP to the original factory default settings.

For a description of the possible values you can set for a Reset to Defaults operation, see the following table.

Reset Property Value Description


Set the All option to reset all of the Oracle ILOM configuration data to the default settings at the next service processor reset. This action does not erase the log file entries.


Set the Factory option to reset all of the Oracle ILOM configuration data to the default settings and erase all log files at the next service processor reset.

None (default)

Set the None option for normal operation while using the current configurations. Or use the None option to cancel a pending Reset to Defaults operation (All or Factory) before the next service processor reset.

  1. To perform a Reset to Defaults operation on a server SP, perform the following steps for one of the Oracle ILOM user interfaces listed.
    Oracle ILOM Interface Reset to Defaults Operation for SP


    1. Click ILOM Administration > Configuration Management > Reset Defaults.
    2. Click the Reset Defaults list box to specify one of the following values: None, All or Factory.
    3. Click the Reset Defaults button.


    Type: set /SP reset_to_defaults=all|none|factory

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