Setting ILOM Clock Properties

When deploying Oracle ILOM for the first time, system administrators should configure the clock settings in Oracle ILOM to ensure that the system management events logged by Oracle ILOM appear with the correct timestamps.

System administrators can choose to either synchronize the Oracle ILOM clock with an NTP server or manually configure the date and time locally in Oracle ILOM using the UTC/GMT timezone on the host server.

For Oracle ILOM clock configuration properties, see the following table.

Table 4-19 Oracle ILOM Clock Configuration Properties  

User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • CLI: /SP/clock
  • Web: ILOM Administration > Date and Time > Clock Settings | Timezones
  • User Role: admin (a) (required for property modification)
Property Default Value Description

Date and Time



Populate the Date property with the month, day, and year. Populate the Time property with the hours and minutes.

CLI Syntax to Set Date and Time:

set /SP/clock datetime=MMDDhhmmYYYY




Timezone Abbreviations (PST, EST, and so on)

Populate the Timezones property with the appropriate timezone.

CLI Syntax to Set Timezones:

set /SP/clock timezones=3_to_4_characters

Synchronize Time with NTP Server




When set to disabled, the Oracle ILOM clock will not synchronize with an NTP server. When set to enabled, the Oracle ILOM clock will synchronize with the designated Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.

Note.When enabled, you can set the Oracle ILOM clock to synchronize with one or two Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers.

CLI Syntax to Synchronize Clock With NTP Server:

set /SP/clock usentpserver=enabled|disabled

NTP Server 1 (2)

(/SP/clients/ntp/server/[n] address=[address])


Set the IP address or DNS host name of the NTP server or servers with which the Oracle ILOM clock will synchronize. Configuring two NTP servers provides redundancy.

CLI Syntax to Set NTP Server Address:

set /SP/clients/ntp/server/1 address=<address>

set /SP/clients/ntp/server/2 address=<address>

Note.Some server systems can support the configuration of more than two NTP servers.

Save Button (web only)


Web interface – Changes made within the Clock Settings page and the Timezone Settings page must be saved in Oracle ILOM before they can take affect.

Refer to the Oracle server documentation to determine whether:

  • The current time in Oracle ILOM can persist across SP reboots.
  • The current time in Oracle ILOM can be synchronized with the host at host boot time.
  • The system supports a real-time clock element that stores the time.