View DCU Assignments and Manage Failover for DCU-SPP

Before You Begin

  • The Admin (a) role is required to change the roles of the active and standby DCU-SPM assignment.
  • For a description of DCU health states, see DCU Status States.
  • Changing the controlling SPM configuration might cause an interruption in communication between the DCU assigned Host and Oracle ILOM. If this occurs, any active KVMS sessions on the DCU-host will automatically be disconnected.


    Not all SPARC M series servers support SPM redundancy for DCU-SPP configurations.
  1. To view the general health of all DCU assignments or to view the controlling SPM on a DCU, perform one of the following.
    • Web: From the active SP web interface, click System Information > DCUs.

      In the DCU table, view DCU location, Host-DCU assignment, and health details. For servers that support SPM redundancy, view the SPM that is actively assigned to manage the DCU system activity.

      - OR -

    • CLI: From the active SP CLI, type: show /System/DCUs/DCU_n

      View these DCU properties: health = location = host_assigned =

      If supported, view the controlling SPM property for the assigned DCU: sp_name = /SYS/SPP[n]/SPM[n]

      For further details about the properties shown for the DCU target, type: help /System/DCUs/DCU_[n]

  2. To initiate failover of the controlling SPM for the DCU, perform one of the following:
    • Web: In the System Information > DCUs page, do the following:
      1. In the DCU table select a DCU assignment then from the Actions list, select either Graceful Failover (negotiates the DCU-SPM assignment) or Forceful Failover (forcibly changes the DCU-SPM assignment).
      2. Click Apply.

        If a prompt appears to confirm that you want to continue the failover operation. Click Yes to continue, otherwise click No.

      - OR -

    • CLI: Type: set /Systems/DCUs/DCU_n initiate_sp_failover = true|force

      Where true gracefully negotiates the DCU SPM assignment, where force forcibly changes the DCU-SPM assignment.

      If a prompt appears to confirm that you want to continue the failover operation. Type y to continue, otherwise type n.