Step 2: Store Posted Backup Image As a Secondary Image

Use a PATCH request to place the posted backup firmware image on the SP in the secondary storage bank.

HTTP Request Format

PATCH /rest/v<version>/SP/firmware/backupimage/update/1 HTTP/1.1
<Header Name>: <Value>

"start": true


  • "start": true updates the secondary storage bank on the SP with the posted backup image.


The backup image remains in a pending state until it is activated for installation. To active the backup image for immediate installation using the Oracle ILOM web interface or CLI, see Activate Firmware Backup Image for Immediate Installation in Oracle ILOM 5.1 Administrator’s Guide.

Request Headers Required

The request header fields required to update a resource are as follows: Content-Type, Accept, Authorization, and Host.

For a description of these required header fields, see Common Request Header Fields.