Using a GET Request to Download Host Console History (As of firmware version 5.0 and later)

The Oracle ILOM REST API, as of firmware version 5.0, supports the ability to use a GET request to extract the entire console history to a binary (non-text) file.

HTTP Request Format:

GET /rest/v<version>/HOST/console/history HTTP/1.1
<Header Name>: <value>

Request Headers Required

The request header fields required to retrieve resources are as follows: Accept, Authorization, and Host.


The request Accept header must specify application/octet-steam as the target media type.

For a description of these required header fields, see Common Request Header Fields.

cURL Request Example

Using cURL, a request to extract the host console history to a binary (non-text) file (console_history.log) would look like this:

curl -k --request GET -u "root:changeme" https://<IPaddress>:443/rest/v1/HOST/console/history/content >