CLI Commands for Managing Alert Rule Configurations

The following table describes the CLI commands that you use to manage alert rule configurations in the Oracle ILOM CLI.

Table 3-2 CLI Commands for Managing Alert Rule Configurations  

CLI Command Description


The show command enables you to display any level of the alert management command tree by specifying either the full or relative path.


The cd command enables you to set the working directory. To set alert management as a working directory on a server SP, type the following command at the command prompt:

                                       cd /SP/alertmgmt


The set command enables you to set values to properties from any place in the tree. You can specify either a full or relative path for the property depending on the location of the tree. For example:

  • For full paths, type the following at the command prompt:

    -> set /SP/alertmgmt/rules/1 type=snmptrap

  • For relative path (tree location is /SP/alertmgmt), type the following command path at the command prompt:

    -> set rules/1 type=snmptrap

  • For relative path (tree location is /SP/alertmgmt/rules/1), type the following command path at the command prompt:

    -> set type=snmptrap