Append SSH Keys to User Accounts for Automated CLI Authentication

Custom generated SSH key pairs (RSA) can be used for individual user accounts, with the public key being uploaded to Oracle ILOM. This is beneficial when using scripts that execute without manual intervention and do not include embedded clear text passwords. Users can write scripts that automatically or regularly execute service processor commands over a network-based SSH connection from a remote system.


Support for DSA Keys was removed in Oracle ILOM as of firmware version 5.0.0.

To upload and append an Oracle ILOM account with a generated public SSH key, see the following web-based instructions.

Before You Begin

  • Generate the private and public SSH keys using an SSH connectivity tool, like ssh-keygen, and then store the generated SSH key files on a remote SSH system.
  • The User Management (u) role is required to configure user account properties for other users. Any user can modify their user account password.
  • The User Management (u) role is required to append SSH public keys to other user accounts.
  • The Read Only (o) role is required to append an SSH public key to your own user account.
  1. In the Oracle ILOM web interface, click ILOM Administration -> User Management -> User Accounts.
  2. In the User Account page, perform the following:


    For further configuration details, click the More details... link located at the top of the User Management -> User Accounts page.
    1. Scroll-down to the SSH Keys section and click Add.


      The Increased SSH key size for RSA is 8192 bits.
    2. Select a user account from the User list.
    3. Select a transfer method from the list, and then specify the required transfer method properties for uploading the public SSH key.
  3. Click Load to upload the public SSH key and append it to the selected user account.