Physical Security Presence for Resetting root Account Default Password

In the event that the root user password for Oracle ILOM is lost, it can be reset. To reset the root password, connect to Oracle ILOM through the serial port. While in most cases connection to the Oracle ILOM serial port requires physical access to the system, the serial console can be connected to a terminal server. The terminal server effectively gives network access to the physical serial port.

To prevent being able to reset the root password over the network when a terminal server is used, there is a physical presence check feature for most servers. This requires pushing a button on the server as a means of proving physical access to the server. For increased security, ensure the presence check feature is enabled whenever the Oracle ILOM serial port is connected to a terminal server.

To view or modify the physical presence check feature, see the following web-based instructions.


For CLI instructions or other details about the root account properties, see the documentation listed in the Related Information section that appears in the following procedure.